About Us

Retirement in January 2015 was only the beginning of a new full time gig for me. Inspiration struck while building my wife, Clariza, the hanging item below which was similar to one I saw in New Orleans. After figuring out the angles and displaying the 4 pot swing on our house, neighbors and friends began to admire my design.

That one item grew into 25 different "swings”, “towers”, "shwings" & "wall mounts" available in various colors at www.claypotswings.com. 

Clariza’s Clay Pot Swings helps plant lovers green up their indoor space, no matter how little space they actually have. Particularly perfect for growing plants, herbs, cactus and succulents, everyone from suburbanites to urbanites are embracing the Idea of growing vertically to maximize there love for gardening, no matter what you like to grow! 


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